The Problems in Germany and the Growth of Hitler's Support

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Essay Database > Social Sciences
As years went by after World War I Germany only grew weaker. It had been suffering for numerous reasons such as hyperinflation, French invasion, right-wing violence, etc. Since Germany's defeat Adolf Hitler's determination to revive Germany, exterminate all non-Germans in Germany, and necessity for vengeance grew more and more everyday. Since he became the leader of the National Socialist German Worker's Party (NSDAP) in 1920 his group of supporters his and infamy grew alongside each other. …

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…to be a leader and a convincing philosophy, it is very unlikely that he would have gotten as far as he did in 1933 if Germany didn't have as many problems during the early 1920's. In fact, the problems in Germany were one of the aspects which most motivated him to stand up in front of thousands and speak his mind. These problems were essential to the help of the rise of Hitler and the Nazis.