The Probem of Evil
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Words: 1345
Pages: 5
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Pages: 5
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Essay Database > History
"...However consistent the world may be...with the idea of such a [powerful, wise, and benevolent] Deity, it can never afford us an inference concerning his existence" (760). These are the words of David Hume in reference to the problem of evil. This paper will discuss Hume's stance on the non-existence of God based on the existence of evil. I will also look at the how theists respond to the problem of evil by raising the
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produces hope (Romans 5:3, 4). Many wonder why God does not intervene and prevent evil from occurring. On the contrary, God intervened by sending his Son and allowing humans to be redeemed for their evils. God proved his omnibenevolence by allowing his Son to share in human suffering so that all of mankind could be pardoned for their sins. Only an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good God would make this sacrifice and also allow human freewill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**
produces hope (Romans 5:3, 4). Many wonder why God does not intervene and prevent evil from occurring. On the contrary, God intervened by sending his Son and allowing humans to be redeemed for their evils. God proved his omnibenevolence by allowing his Son to share in human suffering so that all of mankind could be pardoned for their sins. Only an all-knowing, all-powerful, and all-good God would make this sacrifice and also allow human freewill. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**