The Prisons, do they work?

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Essay Database > Law & Government
This assignment looks at why and then whether prison works as an answer to all serious crime committed by adults. Is prison there simply to punish people or to make them better people, to deter them from committing more crime or just to make society feel safer? People have to be put in prison as a result of the crimes people have committed. Some crimes more serious then others so are treated differently. The more …

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…set up as they come out worse. Statistically I cannot condemn the prisons entirely as 20% or more do not re-offend after being released, but what about the other 80% which need to be addressed. This leaves a looming question, is prisons there just to punish people for the crimes they have committed or there to reform them? Personally I feel, that ideally it should be there to reform, but currently it is there just to punish.