The Prince of Tides

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
One theme presented in Pat Conroy's The Prince of Tides is that people have difficulty dealing with problems, so they run from them. People handle problems in different ways. Some people try to fix their problems but others don't know what to do and therefore run from them. Running from their problems seems like the right thing to do but in the end it just makes things worst because you can't run from them your …

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…born and raised at. Pg. 33. 2. Savannah writes " The Southern Way". Pg. 414. 3. Savannah attempts three times the ultimate escape, suicide. Pg. 20 & 49. C. Tom tries to live a normal life and overcome his childhood. 1. Tom tries to avoid his mother Lila when she comes to his house. Pg. 19. 2. Tom wants to escape his inheritance of violence from his father Henry. Pg. 101. 3. Tom tries to avoid telling Dr. Lowenstein everything from his past to escape his childhood. Pg. 453.