The Prince

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Essay Database > Literature > English
"An Outline and Arguments on The Prince by Machiavelli" Niccolo Machiavelli was a very knowledgeable man. He was born in Florence in 1469 and when he was of the age 43 he wrote The Prince. His first admission into politics happened in1498 with the title as Secretary to the Second Chancery of the Signoria. He held this job through the year 1512 right before the Medici took over Florence. He was very faithful to his elders and to …

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…acquaintance with leaders of his time. He had a lot of knowledge of history and how to avoid some of the things in the past and to do some things that were greatly accomplished. He advised the prince to read and study the actions of great leaders: Moses, Cyrus, Theseus. This would help him in foreign affairs and in wars and in life. Machiavelli overall loved his country more than his soul. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography** none