The Price of Freedom

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Essay Database > Law & Government > Civil Rights
What is the price of freedom that was paid, and is being paid? Freedom was paid with anguish, pain, time, and lives. We, the inhabitants of America, are fortunate to see this land where we have unalienable human rights that are just basic and essential statutes. There is always a cost for something furthermore there is a price on our freedom. We pay taxes, follow the land and societies regulations, vote, and so on. The …

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…who knows what could have happened. Pain was suffered, families were separated, and veterans were hopelessly injured. Why did they suffer torment and defile conditions? To rid the depravity and keep our Freedom! In conclusion, I feel that no one should be able to take away freedom. Too often this happens in other countries, that are less fortunate of this great democratic lifestyle. Imagine life without freedom, there being only strict discipline and harsh punishments.