The Price of Freedom - The price of freedom Americans have had to pay in the past and present.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
This is a question that I think is running through the minds of many Americans today and I wonder what their answer is going to be if they or a loved one is asked to serve. In the post-Vietnam era, a more cynical time than of today, it is not automatically assumed that everyone will drop what he or she were doing in their lives and rush to serve as they did sixty years ago …

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…That was my purpose in comparing these times to World War II because Pearl Harbor was the last time that we were faced with the times that we are faced with now. People came together then and have come together now and I believe we will emerge once again victorious. REFERENCES Brokaw, Tom. The Greatest Generation. . Random House, 1998. Farrar, Helen. Personal Interview. October, 2002 "The Economics of War". Yahoo! News. October 27, 2002. Weston, Edith. Personal Interview. October 2002.