"The Power of Words: Pablo Neruda"

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The Power of Words: Pablo Neruda Neftali Ricardo Reyes de Basoalto, later known as Pablo Neruda, was a contemporary poet from Chile, as well as a diplomat, communist party leader, and one of the few men responsible for shaping Latin America literature into what it is today. Neruda was a surrealist who revitalized everyday language and employed bold metaphors in free verse. He was greatly impressed with nature and natural phenomena such as death and …

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…ger, Walter. Poetic Subject and For in the Odas Elementales. Revistas Hespanicas Moderna 36, 1-2. 1971. Neruda, Pablo. Pablo Neruda: Memoirs United States: Farrar, Strauss, and Giroux. 1977. Roman, Joseph. Pablo Neruda. Chelsea House Publishers. 1992. Other Works Consulted: Agosin, Marjorie. Pablo Neruda. G.K. Hall & Co. 1986. Belitt, Ben. Adam's Dream: A Preface to Translation. New York: Grove Press. 1978. Loyola, Hernan. Lectura de Veinte Poemas de Amor. New York: Las Americas. 1975. Valdivieso, Jamie. Neruda: Mision y Poesia. Atenea 170, 4. 1968