The Power of Passivity

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Essay Database > History
Though television and the media in general have an adverse effect on individuals, the news, with its reputation founded on newly constructed museums and monuments congratulating itself and the entire Vietnam war behind it, is unquestionably the most potentially dangerous medium. As described in the article "Parachute Journalism" by S. Wizda, news media has not only the power, but also the means and the drive to reinforce both simplicity and passivity of thought in regard …

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…something greater, it falls short. Given more attention and depth, Wizda could clarify the difference between propaganda and a full-rounded story, instead, it falls somewhere in between, personifying a grey area. This missed opportunity does not undermine the article completely; it only slightly reinforces the goal of mediocrity that seems to fuel so many publications. No shame or lack can be seen in that, merely a hope for something better on the way. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**