"The Power of One" by Bryce Courtenay. Answers question, "What have you learned about he predominant culture of the book?"

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
This essay is a multicultural book-report. It includes page number references. The book takes place in South Africa during World War II and apartheid. The Power of One by Bryce Courtenay is an amazing display of apartheid in South Africa during World War II. The story follows Peekay, a young white boy, as he travels from a boarding school full of children who support Hitler, to a home with a Christian mother, to copper mines …

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…awful a culture in which people are discriminated against can be. The stories of the abuse that the black people suffered sent shivers down my spine and left me with a piece of knowledge that I will never forget: racism is a horrifying hatred that can destroy any person. The Power of One is a truly magnificent book. *a word the white Africans used in reference to dark-skinned people during the 1930s, forties, and fifties