The Power of Emotion

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Essay Database > Literature
The power of emotion is illustrated in literature. The control that one's emotions have over that person is so strong that they will usually take precedence over his common sense and logical reasoning. It is rare that a character will find himself in a situation where he is not emotionally inclined toward a particular group, cause, or another character. These emotions hinder his ability to think as rationally and logically as he otherwise would. The …

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…literature." Emotions play a huge role in characters' lives, and it is these emotions that are responsible for their actions and decisions. Feelings of self-pride and revenge drove Montresor to murder Fortunato in "The Cask of Amontillado," and the feeling of fear forced the students at Trinity High School to obey Archie Costello's assignments in The Chocolate War. These actions were not logical or sensible, but thus is the power and strength of one's emotions.