The Populist movement

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Essay Database > History
The Failed Populist Movement of the 1890's Populism is best defined as the philosophy or movement that promotes the interests of the common people. The blue-collar workers, farmers, miners and other laborers headed the peoples' party. This philosophy or movements' flawed view of "producer" Ideology encouraged the failure of populism. Historian, Michael Kazin narrows the views of the populist down to: a language whose speakers conceive of ordinary people as a noble assemblage not bounded …

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…best interest of the people. The government would have control the production of railroads and regulate the pay of the workers. Telegraphs and telephone systems would be ran like the postal services; which would in turn take away the privacy of the people. The populist was also outcast among the ranks because of their poor appearance and lack of cleanliness. Compared to the welled dressed and educated men of the other parties they were mocked.