The Plot Synopsis of Murphy's Boy

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Essay Database > Literature > English
My story, Murphy's Boy, by Torey Hayden, is a famous true story about the life of a teacher/psychologist lady, Torey, who helps a non-talking boy, Kevin. This story started off with Torey meeting Kevin for the first time. She noticed that he was crouched underneath of a table, all closed in, and not talking. He refused to talk to anyone, not even his teachers. They called him "Zoo-Boy." He was 15 years old. Torey sat …

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…more after she was able to see Kevin again and they decided that Kevin should try out this group home type of thing. He started high school with all the normal people, and he was happy. Throughout the story, Kevin began to let go of all his main fears, and that was accomplished. He was getting in touch with his "Bryan" side, and that was what he wanted. His life was getting so called "normal."