The Physical Development OF A Human Being

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Catherine The Physical Development of a Human Being As defined in Berk's, Development Through the Lifespan, physical development is changes in body size, proportions, appearance, and the functioning of various body systems; brain development; perceptual and motor capacities; and physical health. The physical development of a human being is the unique because of all of the visible changes that every human being goes through. Physical growth results from a continuous and complex interplay between heredity …

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…into permanent death. Soon afterward, this dead person becomes shriveled looking, and has thus undergone all of the physical development a person goes through in a lifetime. Physical development is the only type of development that one can actually witness. Ever person generally goes through some form of the same development through each age group. The human body is very unique and all of these changes that we experience are what makes us so interesting.