The Pearl

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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
Throughout life and in society, man has acquired a fascination and appetite for wealth. This is greatly displayed in the non-fiction novel, The Pearl, written by John Steinbeck, which shows the destruction of man's life through greed. Throughout the novel we are entrapped in the lives of Kino, Juana, and young Coyotito, a poor family living in the city of La Paz. They live a simple, secluded life, and are surrounded constantly by the "song …

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…should be a treasured masterpiece of our time; not because of its great author, but because it deals with an everyday struggle of human life. This story serves as a caution to those who crave the warmth and comfort of money, and beckons to those who struggle to achieve wealth. I recommend this book to all that have ever been affected by a hunger for wealth; which in reality, is a recommendation to anyone human.