The Peace and Freedom Party of California.

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Essay Database > History
Elections inch closer and Republicans and Democrats attempt to verify why voters should agree with their policies. The major parties develop a general stance on national issues in order to attract voters. Third parties, though not heavily portrayed in the media, have decisive, specific policies ready for implementation. The Peace and Freedom Party of California, lead by Leonard Peltier, calls for a socialist democracy, a reform in environmental policies, the rights of immigrants and women, …

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…bring back environmental policies implemented by President Clinton that were rolled back by the Bush Administration. Because policies are more likely to be implemented with a democratic candidate in the nation's two-party system, many potential voters would follow Kerry instead. Unless that voter agreed, passionately, on other more specific issues the Peace and Freedom Party supported. Work Cited: The Peace and Freedom Party of California. 23 Mar. 2003. 7 Dec. 2004. <>.