The Patriot act: unjust

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
2,296 innocent people died in the terrorist attacks committed by the Muslim fanatical group Al Quada on September 11, 2001. This day, which will forever live in the hearts and minds of the American people, revealed a new vulnerability that many US citizens had never before recognized. In the wake of the devastating attacks a cry for help was heard all over America, and a quick response was prompted by President George W. Bush and his administration. This …

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…of legislation is not passed without protest. Momentum is growing for change and reform must be exercised on the Patriot Act that respects the need of federal law enforcement to fight terrorism while providing safeguards to protect constitutional liberties, and protect the free expression and privacy rights of citizens. Without such reforms, the terrorists will achieve their greatest victory by undermining the very freedom that has been so vital to the success of American democracy.