The Patriot Act: A breakdown and in-depth view of the unconstitionality of various aspects of the Patriot Act.

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Essay Database > History > European History
On September 11th, 2001 the United States experienced the worst attack on its soil in over a century. More people were killed in a single day than in the Pearl Harbor attack, not since the Civil War had U.S soil seen such bloodshed. In less than six weeks Congress passed the USA Patriot act, with effectively no debate or scrutiny. It was passed in great haste and secrecy in the name of the "War on …

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…that if we surrender some of our freedoms, we would be insuring national safety and security. However after the years have passed and lies have surfaced we now realize that the freedoms we surrendered need to return. It is important for our country to be able to fight terrorism, both in our country and abroad, but we must realize that we cannot fight terrorism by curtailing our very rights that our nation was founded on.