The Parrallels of Chocolat and Somethings That Stay.

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Essay Database > Literature
In the movie Chocolat directed by Lasse Hallstrom and the book Some Things That Stay, by Sarah Willis there are very many common problems and resolutions. The two carry many of the same conflicts with people, nature and many others. To say that one movie or book is like another only leads to saying that they also are very different. This will show you the similarities and the dissimilarities of the two powerful forms of …

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…oks and words spoken about them because neither family went to church. The families were very similar in ideas. The families were very closely interconnected and in need of some stability and less spontaneity. The only thing left to say is how did it end? Even thought the families were a little erratic, they did change others lives and did great things for the people in the every town both families changed people and themselves.