The Paris Peace Talks- Objectives of the Big Three.

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Essay Database > History > North American History
In World War I 60,000,000 fought and millions and millions died. All the factories, railways, houses, mines etc. were all destroyed were in the region of France and so it was reasonable that France was extremely mad and utterly despised the Germans. They definitely wanted to have revenge towards the Germans in the Treaty of Versailles. On Nov. 11, 1918 Germany signed the Armistice that was between the Allies and the Central Powers, then in January 1919, 32 countries went …

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…balance of power. As a result, British delegation wanted military restrictions placed on Germany and some limited financial compensation. These three people disagreed strongly mainly because of the difference of their interests and opinions. Clemenclaw wanted revenge on Germany, Wilson wanted peace all around, and Lloyd George wanted justice but not revenge. This made them disagree on what to do with Germany after the war, which was one of the main decisions at that time.