"The Outsiders" By Susan Eloise Hinton.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
Ponyboy and his brothers, Sodapop and Darry, belong to a group of poor teenage boys called greasers. Many of them have led hard lives and they are angry and unforgiving. They often fight with the Socs, group of wealthy, privileged boys who beat them up for fun. Ponyboy is shy and quiet. He gets good grades in school and likes to draw and read. His oldest brother Darry takes care of the family, since their …

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…dead. He decides to write about himself for a class assignment, so he can let other people know what life for a greaser is like. He is sure that there are many boys across the country just like him. He also recognizes, finally, that Darry loves him. He sees that Darry was just being overprotective when he yelled at him. He feels that, for the first time, he and his two brothers form a family.