"The Outsider" by Albert Camus

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
I. Setting: <Tab/>The Outsider is placed in Algeria in North Africa; we can see this on the first page with the reference to Marengo and Algiers both of which are cities in Algeria. (P. 9) There are two main ethnic groups in Algeria; Arabs and "pied noirs". A pied noir is a Frenchman who was born and raised in Algeria. Arabs and the French had many conflicts on the subject of …

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…dog) for so long, the two of them alone together in one tiny room, Salamano has ended up looking like the dog. He's got reddish scabs on his face and his hair is thin and yellow." (P.30) Salamano isn't a major character in the book but serves the purpose of illustrating that you don't truly appreciate something until it's gone. He seems to look up to Meursault and sees him as a very knowledgable man.