"The Outsider" - I Am Me

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Essay Database > Law & Government
"The absurd man will not commit suicide; he wants to live, without relinquishing any of his certainty, without a future, without hope, without illusions, and without resignation either. He stares at death with passionate attention and this fascination liberates him. He experiences the "divine irresponsibility" of the condemned man." (Sartre; 1943) Mersault is an "absurd" man. He lives his life as though it were almost pointless and conveys very little emotion throughout "The Outsider". In this …

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…Mersault's view of the world and his experiences in life. His seemingly apathetic views can be interpreted in many ways, and like Camus says, Meursault "refuses to play the game" by not lying about anything. Although his honesty makes his life that much easier to live in, it condemns him. Mersault's "I am me" experience provides closure to Meursault's life and in the end, this is why Meursault can consider himself happy before he dies.