The Other Side of The River: Twin Cities, Twin Races by alex kotlowitz

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Essay Database > Literature > English
A book usually follows a set of standards and guidelines that make it a great read; the obvious details include an introduction to the settings and characters, rising action, the climax, the dénouement, and the conclusion. Some authors however can still create an excellent story while skipping one or more of these parts; and these legacies still live on. However, it is a rare find when an author starts with the …

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…looked upon as being in reality the Twin Races, the Black Race and the White Race, the Twin Cities act as a microcosm displaying a wide variety of attitudes, ranging from hatred and anger to melancholy helplessness. From this microcosm, an example can be taken for those who wish to learn, understand, comprehend, or solve. By following the guidelines offered in this story, it becomes possible to achiever something greater than what most had hoped.