The Origin of the American Revolution

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Essay Database > History > North American History
After the French and Indian War, the British imposed several acts on the colonies to help the British get out of their war debt. Though colonists had opposed previous taxation policies decreed by Parliament, the colonists opposing those acts were small in number. As Great Britain imposed more policies and became stricter in enforcing the policies, tension between Great Britain and the colonies grew until protests and violence erupted from the colonists. Colonists refused to …

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…were angered at being deprived of the majority of their rights. In conclusion, the American Revolution was indeed economic in origin. The British kept imposing laws on the colonies to make more profit and to pay Britain's war debt. When violence erupted in the colonies, Britain would impose a stricter law and spend more money to enforce the law, until finally the colonies want to be come independent from Britain and the American Revolution started.