The "Oranges and Apples" narative from the book "Friend Of My Youth" By Alice Munro. Why did Victor Refuse Barbara?

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
c Alice Munro's narrative "Oranges and Apples" is based on the two main characters Victor Sawicky, the golden palomino and Barbara Zeigler, the looker. Barbara is a married woman who is having an affair with the best friend of her husband named Victor Sawicky. She is married to Murray Zeigler, the crown prince of Walley, who is also another main character in our story. However Victor refuses Barbara afterwards because she was his kind and …

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…his wife Beatrice. So, at last he was going to Montreal. Montreal is a place where there are a lot of French women and since Murray is also French speaking man then he goes there so, he feels comfortable with a women he is going to go out with. To conclude, Victor Sawicky refused Barbara because she was his kind, because he felt guilty and because he is a male prostitute who picks up women.