The Orange Leprechaun

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Essay Database > Literature > English
Once upon a time, there was a girl. She led what seemed to be a great life. She had a nice home, lots of friends, and happiness. Deep down, this girl was not so happy. She did not feel that her friends were true, and at times, her nice home was not so nice. Now maybe she was being ungrateful, or maybe she only longed for a true friend, but she was not happy. Over …

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…orange leprechauns. How would I explain it to her if I wanted to? I cannot find her. When I stumbled upon this story about the mixing of the kinds, she was gone never to return. I have only been able to search for a girl who looks like she has lost her best friend, but this is a lost cause. You see, she hides it well; I have not found such a girl. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ **Bibliography**