"The Open Boat" by Crane.

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
The Open Boat is a particularly interesting story because of the great detail that author extends and because of the solitary reflections of the characters in consideration of their demise. The story possesses amazingly vivid description. This attention to detail affords the reader the greatest degree of reading pleasure. Crane paints such glorious images in reader's mind with his eloquence. "The morning appeared finally, in its splendor, with a sky of pure blue, and the …

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…in the story is the length. The men's state of affairs carried too long. For superfluous periods of time the story is reported without any change of events. The narrator continually describes the men's conditions without any great fluctuations. The situation neither improves nor deteriorates; it just exists. However, while uneventful, the reading is still entertaining because of Crane's splendid style. The reader feels a peculiar intimacy with the stranded men and shares their desperation.