The Olympic Games, its origins, sources and images in the art of ancient Greece This is a wonderful essay on the history of art from the ancient greek olympic times.

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The Olympic Games, its origins, sources and images in the art of ancient Greece <Tab/>The Olympic Games are a tradition which has been maintained for literally thousands of years. From its origin dating back to prehistoric, Ancient Greece, the Olympic Games have captured the attention and hearts of countless athletes, artists and fans. The importance of the games was originally to avoid military conflict within Greece, but the benefits derived …

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…competed in by athletes, artists as well were able to challenge each other for Olympic recognition by competing for who could best capture the effect and importance of the Olympic games in any of a number of art forms. This artistic section of the Olympics was definitely crucial to the survival of the games. It was a means of capturing heroic and notable athletic performances, as well as timeless emotions which the Olympics brought about.