The Old Testament.The Deuteronomist History 1&2.

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
From Deuteronomist History 1 and Deuteronomist History 2 The period of 722-586 BCE was a time of Northern and Southern Kingdoms. A time of a continuous fight for power between kings of numerous tribes settled the Mediterranean region. And the Holy Bible, the Old Testament, is like a historical evidence of the past events mentioned above. This period is described in a book which is called Deuteronomist History, divided in its turn into two editions: Deuteronomist History 1 …

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…in it was Josiah who succeeded to get rid of pagan attributes and settle one religion of one God in one major place of worship, Jerusalem. DH2 in its turn starts to revise the text to fit new reality which is an exile. The words often repeated by God "there will be always a king on a throne" should be corrected with the fall of Jerusalem and that's why a conditional Solomonic covenant is here.