The Old Man and the Sea1
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Pages: 2
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Essay Database > Literature > Novels
In The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway there are two characters who have a great friendship, the old man and the young boy. The old man has been fishing for many years and for the last eighty-four days has not caught a fish. Now the boy who looks up to him is not allowed to fish with him anymore. This boy looks up to the old man as a hero because the
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man is a hero to the young boy for all of these reasons. The young boy loves the old man and helps him by carrying stuff for him, getting him bait, and cooking for him. Everything the old man says and does affects the boy. The old man stands for all the heroic qualities that the young boy wants to have, courage, perseverance, and respect. The old man is a perfect hero for the boy.
man is a hero to the young boy for all of these reasons. The young boy loves the old man and helps him by carrying stuff for him, getting him bait, and cooking for him. Everything the old man says and does affects the boy. The old man stands for all the heroic qualities that the young boy wants to have, courage, perseverance, and respect. The old man is a perfect hero for the boy.