The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway: Youth vs. Old Age

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Essay Database > Literature > English
At some point as children, we always wish we were big. It seems customary for children to want to hang out with the "big kids", most likely because they are smarter or more experienced. It's said that with age comes wisdom, and that's probably why kids often look to their parents, teachers, or older siblings for advice, rather than their peers. Although children are always looking to their elders, at the same time, adults often …

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…experience and also represents a God figure, while Manolin represents youth and looks up to the old man for wisdom. The boy makes Santiago feel strong and youthful as he once was when he was young. Many old people look to younger people because they yearn for the strength they once had, while children always yearn for the experience that older people have. This just goes to show you always want what you don't have.