The Old Man and the Sea by Ernest Hemingway: Santiago, the Man of Many Roles

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Santiago: A Man of Many Roles You know those people who you love and your mom hates? How you respect them yet they are despised by your mom? Why do your opinions of them differ? It is because of the perspective that you see them with. Your mom sees them as extremely dangerous because they ride motorcycles, wear leather jackets, and have a million tattoos, but you see them as incredibly fun because that is …

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…Old Man in the Sea in an "omniscient perspective that is narrowly focused and limited in order to concentrate intensively on a single man and a single action" (Grebstein 221). Focusing on one character allows an in-depth study of that person and their qualities. With different perspectives, the person is seen with different qualities. Santiago is seen as himself, a hero, a saint, or a parent, because different people with different perspectives focused on different qualities.