The Old Man And The Sea

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Pages: 4
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Essay Database > Literature > English
The story starts out with an old man and a boy. Both the boy and the old man are fishermen. They do not fish as a hobby, but a way of life. Then boy is put on another boat because the old man's luck has left him for over eighty days, which means he has not caught a fish for a very long time. The boat the boy is now on is a lucky boat …

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…he was still asleep. When Manolin got back the old man was still asleep. After an hour the coffee was cold, so the boy went to get some wood to heat the coffee. On his return the old man was awake. Manolin then told Santiago that he was going to fish with him. The old man replied, "what will your parents say?" Then Manolin said, "I don't care. I am going to fish with you."