The Ogre

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Once upon a time there was a hideous ogre. Many village people thought of him as a belligerent beast who had to be mean since he were as ugly as he was. Well one day when the ogre went to meander around his swamp, he found a village man who seemed to gather up all of his dexterity to confront the ogre. "Where is my live stock ogre?" Asked the man. "How am I supposed …

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…house through his cross bow. One arrow smashed the electrical box outside the ogre's house disabling him from watching survivor. This made the ogre mad. As a result of the ogre's anger, he jumped in front of all the village people and blew flames from his mouth burning the people to ashes. After two hours he fixed the electrical box, and was able to restore power to his home and he lived happy ever after.