The North and the South DBQ

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Essay Database > History > North American History
The 1500's was a time when English scholars came together and shared their thoughts on a variety of subjects, which sparked their imagination. For instance, Sir Thomas More wrote Utopia, which talked about an ideal civilization living in Paradise. This inspired sailors and adventurers to explore new soil all around the world. The explorations resulted in various societies trading with each other, which eventually created a worldwide mercantile system. This helped England prosper, while their …

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…and jurisdiction. New England was more like a close, tight-knit community constituted by large groups of family members. They were a religion- based society and worked together to keep the kinship alive and strong. On the contrary, Chesapeake was comprised by primarily young men and a small number of women. Violence was a part of their lives because of attacks or rebellious activities due to a lack of communication or understanding of the opposing side.