The New Look of Flying Machines

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Essay Database > Science & Technology
Most people are familiar with the Standard Configuration, the most common airplane design. However, recent revelations in both military and general aviation have shown at least a slight movement toward different arrangements of an airplane's lift and control surfaces. These variations in aircraft structure include the canard configuration and the flying wing. First, we must understand the basic principles of flight before any different configurations of lift surfaces can be discussed. In order for any …

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…Design of the Aeroplane Hallion, Richard P. The Epic of Flight: Designers and Test Pilots. Alexandria: Time-Life Books, Inc. 1983. Rollo, Vera Foster, PhD. Burt Rutan: Reinventing the Airplane. Lanham, MD: Maryland Historical Press. 1991. Schefter, Jim. "Hot New Shapes--Passenger Planes That Will Revolutionize Aviation." pp. 74-77, 143. Popular Science. June, 1984. Schefter, Jim. "X-31: How They're Inventing a Radical New Way to Fly." pp 58-64. Popular Science. February, 1989. Wooldridge, E. T. "Flying Wing." pp 58-64. Aviation Heritage. November, 1991.