The New England and Chesapeake Colonies.

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The New England and Chesapeake regions were two of the major areas for colonization in the 17th century. From the early 1600's into the early 1700's, many English immigrants left their homeland to explore an uncharted territory. The two geographic regions, one nestled in the warm muggy weather of the South and the other in the harsh climate of the North, lead to various different experiences and obstacles for the settlers to face, and to …

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…Though the colonies were different economically, socially, and were created in different geographic areas with equally different intentions, they still had their desire to become successful and their need for exploration in common. The colonies were the earliest form of American nationalism, and just like modern society they were very diverse, and striving to reach one common goal: prosperity in all aspects. Bibliography: Alan Brinkley, American History: A Survey, 11th ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, 2003)