The New England and Chesapeake Colonies

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Essay Database > History > North American History
Although New England and the Chesapeake regions were both settle largely by people of English origin, the two regions developed differently. Certainly they eventually evolved into similar modern societies. However in their early years, they were very different. Thus, by 1700, the New England and Chesapeake regions had developed into two separate and distinct societies due to differences in social structures, political structures, and economies. <Tab/> <Tab/>The …

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…slavery in the south. All the crops grown were grown for profits, so there was a very competitive system of plantations. <Tab/>The New England and Chesapeake colonies were settle mostly by the English, but they developed differently. By 1700 the two areas had two very different had developed into two very separate and very distinct societies due two differences in social structures, political structures, and economies. <Tab/>