The New Colossus: Immigration into the US

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Essay Database > History
"The New Colossus" (1883), a poem written by Emma Lazarus, engraved on the Statue of Liberty, although it shows much truth does not represent the true attitude of Americans. When immigrants were coming to America many Americans tried their hardest to not even let them in. This was mostly enforced by the US government, which rejected a high percentage of people who tried to enter America. Individual American citizens also played a big role in their …

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…is definetly not the same as back then, immigrants stilll are often not welcome. The poem inscribed on the statue of liberty, is very true in many aspects. But, it doesn't portray correctly the feelings and attitudes of the Americans: individuals and government. The New Colossus, or the statue of liberty greatly welcomes immigrants into America and truly dow show great meaning now. In conclusion, the poem did not represent the true attitude of Americans.