The Netherlands

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Pages: 12
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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Psychology
History The Netherlands derives its name from 'the United Provinces of the Netherlands', which were established in the 16th Century. Over the centuries, the economic heartland has been in the provinces of North and South Holland for this reason 'Holland' is often used as a synonym for 'Netherlands'. The word 'Dutch', which is related to the German word 'Deutsch', comes from the old word 'diet' which means 'people' or 'nation'. The Netherlands always has been …

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…seaport? after Scandinavians, the Dutch are the world's biggest coffee drinkers? people of 200 nationalities live in Amsterdam? the Netherlands has one of the youngest populations in the EU? when your plane arrives at Schiphol, it lands 4.5 metres below sea level? the Netherlands has the highest cable density in Europe? Amsterdam has 1,281 bridges? when Dutch schoolchildren pass their exams, they hang a Dutch flag and a school bag outside their homes? *<Tab/>