The Negative Effects of Smoking

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Essay Database > History > North American History
For about two years I had the opportunity to live and work in San Francisco. I was assigned to work with the Chinese community. I had never been to San Francisco before and I didn't know exactly what to expect. One of the biggest differences between San Francisco and where I grew up is the smell. I noticed that no matter where I went in San Francisco I could always smell two things; Chinese food …

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…Marilynn "Cancer Surpasses Heart Disease As Top Killer" Associated Press. USA. 2005. Natural Health "Smoked Out" Weider Publications. Dec/Jan 2005, Vol. 34 Issue 11, p20 Natural Life "Tobacco Giant Acknowledges Cigarette Butt Litter" Issue 85, p23 Jun 2002. Sullum, Jacob "For Your Own Good" The Free Press. USA, 1998. Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter "Secondhand Smoke <Tab/>More Dangerous Than Thought" June 2003, Vol.21 Issue4, p2. <Tab/> <Tab/>