The Need For A Genderless Society - Freedom, Equality, Justice

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Essay Database > Social Sciences > Language & Speech
Does justice require the creation of a genderless society? In this essay, I will argue that it does, using Mary Okin's own arguments and evidence from her text. I will show that women, from when they are very small are put at a disadvantage and are placed in socially unequal roles as men. I will show how marriage and child rearing also has an effect upon women's equality and justice. I will also take into …

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…women that can never be changed, but gender is the role in society that each sex plays. I believe that for women to be socially equal to men we must not have different jobs, expectations, or standards for men and women. Though these jobs and ways of thinking may be the result of just a long history and paradigms, they need to be changed. For everyone to become equal there must be a genderless society.