The Necklace (Altered version of Lord of The Rings) Chapter 1

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Essay Database > Literature > Creative Writing
Chapter 1 The Death Of The Father The most beautiful place on earth was my home the Koto it was filled with beautiful gardens and houses. The houses were all tree houses. Who ever lived in the Koto you didn't expect anything strange or mysterious about them. They were perfectly normal people. There was one person who kept something and kept it a secret and never told anybody about it. It was a necklace which was …

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…went to Halt and put his sword through his hearth. Halt cried in pain and told me to go. John took the necklace and held it into his hand and went through the door and jumped onto the ground He started to run and he saw that there was a horse outside. Suddenly the man jumped out of the window and landed onto the horse. He said in a faded voice "Give me the necklace."