The Navaho Religion:

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Essay Database > Society & Culture > Religion
The Navaho religion is a very ancient religion practiced primarily by Native Americans. Unlike the Northern and Middle Eastern religions the Navaho's focus on Gods and on the earth. In Navaho religion the primary source of worship is the Almighty. The Almighty is not in the shape of a man but in the form of a spirit and exist in the universe. The Almighty generates its power from the sun. It is also believed all …

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…Fleck 6 Work Cited Navajo Religion Stevens Alconcel Origin Myths of the Navaho Indians. Aileen O'Bryan 1906 Navaho Myths, Prayers, and Songs Washington Matthews 1887<> Navajo Culture. Walton Feed 1997 <> Holy Wind and Natural Law Roman Bitsuie 1995 <>