The Narrative Technique in "The Secret Agent".

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Essay Database > Literature > World Literature
It is obvious that Conrad a writer that seems more preoccupied with his narrative than anything else. Conrad describes his narrative as essential in uncovering the underlying themes, ironies, characters, and mysteriousness of the novel. Like in most of his other works Conrad has decided to use the omniscient narrator. The narrator is an extension of Conrad but the distinction between the two should be made. The omniscient, although an extension of the author, is …

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…s how through his irony and manipulation, the reader is coaxed into finding the usually incomprehensible, understandable and vice versa. Conrad's narrative has been said to be "regulated hatred." Because every character, setting, and action mocks and is mocked by moral judgment, Conrad, through these parallels and cross references is able to express the ambiguities of moral understanding. The structure as a whole embodies both the essential singularity of each character and their vital simultaneity.