The Name Of War King Phillip's War by Jill Lepore

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Essay Database > History
Our history books continue to present our country's story in conventional patriotic terms. America being settled by courageous, white colonists who tamed a wilderness and the savages in it. With very few exceptions our society depicts these people who actually first discovered America and without whose help the colonists would not have survived, as immoral, despicable savages who needed to be removed by killing and shipping out of the country into slavery. In her book, …

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…for a meaningful purpose, to come to some resolution but still today 300 years after the war no resolution was achieved. Written words in American textbooks prolong the continuous strife's that Native Americans have against the English and vice versa. "In the end, this book is just another story about just another war," Lepore writes. But it's more than that, it's vivid, thoughtful and a curiosity seeker for what else our history is hiding from us.