The NSW state election.

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NSW State Election The last NSW State election was called on the 22nd March 2003. It was called due to the fixed term, which had ended. The fixed term means that an election must be held every 4 years. There are also federal and local elections every 4 years. The local electorate for Albion Park rail is the electorate of Kiama. The candidates for the most recent election were;  Jones, Danielle-Liberal party  Brown, Matt-Labour party  Green, Helga- One …

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…page. Polling officers have such duties as marking names off the electoral role or list and organising the voting process in their local area. Voting in Australia is compulsory, as the government has made it that way so that all Australians receive an equal opportunity to decide how our country is run and who its run by. Also to ensure candidates are not elected due to the lack of willing participants in the voting process.