The Mythical Journey of "The Grapes of Wrath"

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Essay Database > Literature
Myths are often involve larger-than-life heros, who perform deeds of great valour requiring superhuman courage. The Grapes of Wrath has many mythical characteristics. Tom Joad and Jim Casy are both mythical heros in this novel for aid many people in their struggles. <Tab/>Tom and Casy spread a message of hope to all the migrants and help everyone who is struggling. They perform"deeds of great valour requiring superhuman courage" by …

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…together they over come each one. They stick together through all the rough times. They travel a great distance to get to California because they think that that is the "promise land". When they arrive in California, they discover that they are not welcome. Though, they try to survive as best they can. <Tab/>The Grapes of Wrath is the story of a family that has embarked on a mythical journey.