The Murray Darling Basin.

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Essay Database > Science & Technology > Biology
Location And Characteristics The Murray-Darling Basin is found in the eastern Highland ranging from Tambo in North Western Queensland to Seymour in southern Victoria, and from Goolwa in Southern Australia to Tenterfield in eastern NSW. It covers an area of over 1 million square kilometres. The Murray Darling Basin is a system comprising of over 20 major rivers, about 3 000 wetlands and 52 National Parks, the largest being Mt Kosciusko near Cooma, which is nearly 650 000 ha. The Basin comprises …

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…has another thirteen to go, but so far the Strategy has done well. However agricultural clearing should really be decreased to put a halt the rise in salinity? If this doesn't happen trees will die and hundreds of habitats will be destroyed. If neither problems are resolved soon the million square kilometres of the Murray- Darling Basin that have been used for 40 000 will be destroyed, and useless to the 2 million people that live in it.